Learning Curve
Blockchain Automated Education Records and Digital Certificates

By combining the trackable, transparent, and immutable qualities of blockchain, Learning Curve tackles the increasing number of falsified academic qualifications and work experience on resumes. The app cuts-down administrative work, streamline workflows, as well as authenticate, verify, and record students’ achievements. The result is a proven public digital certificates which has been validated by faculty and administrators.

Learning Curve

Tackling The Problem Of Fraudulent Experiences

  • 39 of 100 Work Resumes have exaggerated or falsified data
  • 14 of 100 Academic Records have fraudulent or dishonest credentials
  • Over $200,000,000+ is made on fake degree sales on an annual basis
  • 1:1 ratio of earned vs bought PhD degrees on an annual basis

Why Use Learning Curve For Authentication?

One-click timestamped authentication for teachers

Downloadable and shareable digital certificate for students

Simple data entry and collection for all parties

Sole ownership of learning records and resume for students

How Does Learning Curve Work?

Step 1:

Teacher send a Learning Curve form to student

Step 2:

Student completes and submits the form

Step 3:

Teacher authenticates form to be recorded on blockchain

Step 4:

Student adds authenticated record to public resume

Start Authenticating Learning Records At Your School Today

Step 3:

Create your Learning Curve Forms