
關於 FiO

FiO 是一個平台,提供建立在區塊鏈基礎上的尖端技術,透過自助方式和易於使用的連結收集碳資產,將其進而轉化為可轉讓的碳權額度。 再生能源公司已連接到 FiO 平台,使用簡單的隨插即用API 和熟悉的協議,創建、追踪和驗證碳資產,這些協議已經被國內外各種合法的碳登記機構認可。 此外,由於入門費用低,企業可以參與全球碳權市場,無需投入高昂的時間和資源來構建區塊鏈的基礎設施或需要昂貴的專業技術。 對於企業而言,這不僅可以節省巨額的基礎設施投資成本,還可以節省在全球處理銷售碳權的大量時間,消除碳權跨境交易的阻礙。  

FiO 創造與競爭對手的差異化,通過其端到端的貨幣化基礎設施和具有多鏈兼容性的多層協議,能移除可能的地緣政治風險,並自動執行國際監管要求的預先批准。 與加密基礎設施供應商不同,FiO 專注於企業需求,旨在為企業創建更簡單、更快速、更順暢的連接,無需對現有基礎設施進行任何更改。  

FiO 基於混合區塊鏈結構,搭載專利智能合約技術,整合進Hyperledger、R3 Corda、Ethereum、Polygon、Polkadot、IOTA、Quorum和Hedera。 FiO透過混合區塊鏈解決方案,目前在12個產業中被廣泛應用 ,證明其商業價值。

FintechE-CommerceEducationMortgages / Lending
AR FinancingGamingCarbon EmissionIntellectual Property
Digital AssetsAgricultureSecurityElectronic Vehicles








FiO 來自不同產業的客戶均採用我們的區塊鏈解決方案,並成功提升其企業的商業價值。

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George Chu

Chief Executive Officer

George Chu

Chief Executive Officer

George 是一位連續創業家,於 1998 年創立 Grocery.com,因而體驗到創業的快感,並於後來以 100 萬美元的價格出售該公司。畢業後,George 與夥伴共同創立 EdgeMatrix——世上第一間開發移動瀏覽器的新創公司;隨後,他又與人共同創建了納茲達克上市公司—— ChinaNet,為一個提供精準化廣告投放和行銷服務的平台,自 2008 年以來,ChinaNet 持續擾亂中國的廣告格局;在成為連續創業家前,George 在大成食品工作,並專注於企業併購、投資者關係,以及企業重組和供應鏈的可追溯性。另外,George 在學術方面的表現也很出色,擁有哈佛商學院的 MBA 學位和北京大學的 EMBA 學位。

Mike Chen

Chief System Architect

Mike Chen

Chief System Architect

Mike 獲得哈佛大學的資訊工程及新南威爾斯大學的資訊管理碩士學位,並擁有在資訊科技產業逾 20 年的工作經驗,服務對象包含花旗銀行、巴克萊銀行、ING 集團、MLC 等大型跨國銀行,以及澳洲證券交易所和倫敦法律服務委員會等政府機構。

Ryan Mo

Product Manager

Ryan Mo

Product Manager

Ryan began his career as a designer with a keen eye for aesthetics and user experience. Later, he pivoted to marketing where he developed a deep understanding of customer behavior and effective communication strategies. However, Ryan’s passion for being more closely involved in the product development process led him to make the transition to product management. He earned his degree from the Queensland University of Technology and has since honed his skills in product management, user experience, and marketing. With his unique background in design and marketing, Ryan leverages his expertise to drive product development and growth.

Wenkai Chen

Chief Technology Advisor

Wenkai Chen

Chief Technology Advisor

Highly experienced engineer and serial entrepreneur with background in software development, blockchain, iOS/Android systems, and startups. CEO and co-founder of Quasar Technology Co. Lead developer of “FitButler,” a successful smart gym management system app that combines membership, payment, and IoT into a “smart gym” for users to develop better exercise habits. Former engineer at San Electronics and RiChi Tech. Personal mantra: “You will be able to go wherever your eyes focus on.”

Vincent Song

Chief Strategy Advisor

Vincent Song

Chief Strategy Advisor


Gigi Wang

Strategy and Teams Advisor

Gigi Wang

Strategy and Teams Advisor

Industry Fellow & Faculty, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship at UC Berkeley

William P. Adamopoulos

Chief Business Advisor

William P. Adamopoulos

Chief Business Advisor

CEO of Forbes Media Asia Pte. Ltd. based in Singapore and serves as the CEO/Asia for Forbes Media LLC.

Kenneth Tu

Chief Fintech Advisor

Kenneth Tu

Chief Fintech Advisor

Associate of Project Lead and Blockchain Research at R3 with over 18 years of investment banking experience at Standard Chartered and Citibank.